Terms of Sales

As an intermediary, BleuDubai assists visitors and tourism activity providers on this online booking platform.

In addition, through this online platform, the company BleuDubai allows selected cooperation partners to book tourist activities from the provider. The use of this online booking platform by a sub-intermediary or a partner is subject to a contract for which the company has given its written consent.

The contracts relating to tourist activities are concluded directly between the users of this online platform and the providers of tourist activities. When users book on a partner platform or when a sub-intermediary books on behalf of a user of the partner platform, a special contract between the user and the provider is formed directly. BleuDubai is not a party to the contract regarding the tourist activities offered by this online booking platform.


1 – Terms of use for the website


1 – Scope of the terms of use

These terms of use (the “terms of use”) apply to all forms of use in conjunction with the data protection declaration (the “data protection provisions”). Each visitor (“user” or “you”) is required to accept the terms of use, as well as to read and understand the data protection directive. When you use a website in whole or in part, you acknowledge that you have carefully read its terms of use, as well as its data privacy statement, and that you accept them. It is essential that you understand all the provisions relating to these terms of use.


2 – Absence of a quality offer

All information shared on this website has a non-informative tone. This information cannot be considered as an offer in its own right from our company. Only tourism activity providers listed on our site enter into a legally binding contract with us by submitting a booking request on our online platform, which the provider accepts in accordance with our terms and conditions.


3 – Absence of guarantee

Although BleuDubai cares about the accuracy of the content displayed on its website, it makes no express or implied warranties regarding the accuracy, suitability, reliability or timeliness of the material provided on this website. . The BleuDubai company would not be able to guarantee their functionality for private or foreign purposes (which would include any information provided by a third party). BleuDubai reserves the right to change, modify or delete the content of this website, as well as its structure and use, at any time and without notice. The company is also not obligated to remove or mark as such outdated content. BleuDubai reserves the right to refuse users access to this website in whole or in part, or to grant them access only under specific conditions. The company BleuDubai gives no guarantee, explicit or implicit, as to the availability of the website or its functions, including the absence of viruses. It is also not guaranteed that the website, as well as the rest of its infrastructure, are free of viruses or other malicious software. Consequently, BleuDubai cannot guarantee the absence of technical problems on the website or that it has not been altered as a result of the actions of a third party.


4 – Limitation of liability under part 1 of the general conditions

The company BleuDubai, its legal representatives, its independent contractual partners, its own employees and executives, as well as the independents, are not responsible. Indeed, whatever the reason, liability for damages related to their access (or the impossibility of accessing) to the website is also excluded, as well as damages related to a possible error, omission, or the results obtained following their use of the website. However, where permitted by existing law, liability is not excluded for damage caused intentionally or through gross negligence. Therefore, limitations of liability do not apply under implied warranties, such as those relating to loss of life, bodily integrity or health.


5 – Third party content, including links to other websites on the Internet

BleuDubai accepts no responsibility for third-party content (including bookable activities and information about them) that is made available on BleuDubai's links to other websites are used at the own risk. 'user. Accordingly, the company BleuDubai provides for reading the policies of these sites and verifying their approaches to the use of personal data. If you notice any illegal content on our site, please notify us at (link to contact page)


6 – Changes to the terms of use

BleuDubai reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. The changes have an immediate impact. If the company BleuDubai were to make any changes, these would take effect as soon as they are published on the website. The company expects you to review this point 9 regularly so that you are always aware of our current terms of service. You will be automatically notified of any changes if you use the website again in the future.


2 – General terms and conditions of BleuDubai

1 – Introduction

1.1 The company BleuDubai uses an intermediation platform for offers related to tourist activities. The BleuDubai platform offers online offers via its website. Users can find and book tours, activities and sightseeing adventures in Dubai using the BleuDubai platform. All services available on our online platform include but are not limited to guided tours, bus tours, desert tours, etc. Offers are published online by a large number of local providers, with whom a contract for the provision of tourist services is formed. On the BleuDubai platform, you can search for information on the services offered by providers. It is also possible to make reservations there.

1.2 BleuDubai is a company that targets both consumers and professionals. The following provisions apply to the conclusion of these general terms and conditions:

  1. A “consumer” is any natural person who concludes a contract for a service which is most often unrelated to his professional, commercial or entrepreneurial activity.
  2. A professional is any natural or legal person, or group of persons, who, at the time of the conclusion of a contract, acts within the framework of his professional, commercial or independent activity.
  3. A “user” is considered to be any natural person who is not specifically registered as a legal person with BleuDubai. Use by act or omission in connection with the registration of a legal person is attributed to the natural person unless it occurs in the course of a criminal investigation of the legal person. Sub-intermediaries are sometimes referred to as "users" in the future.


2 – The subject of the second section of these general criteria is as follows

These terms and conditions apply to any use of the BleuDubai platform via the Internet. The contractual relationship between the user and the company BleuDubai only involves, in principle, the intermediation of users with the appropriate service providers or the transmission of user data via a sub-intermediary. The company does not meet the criteria of an organizer. Nor is it qualified to operate as a bailiff, vendor or contractual partner under a service contract with the user. This part of the general conditions applies to the offers made available on the BleuDubai platform, as well as to the intermediation between users and service providers. This Part II of the Terms and Conditions applies to the use of the BleuDubai Platform by Collaboration Partners (Sub-Intermediaries/Collaboration Partners), subject to specific contractual agreements entered into with the relevant Collaboration Partner. The terms of the relevant service contract between users and service providers are governed by the provisions of Part III of these general conditions.


3 – Registration

3.1 The use of the services offered by the BleuDubai platform can, in theory, be done anonymously.

3.2 Some features of the BleuDubai platform, such as booking, require registration. When registering, the user submits an electronic registration form and accepts the terms and conditions. Registration by BleuDubai only takes place once the user confirms his email address, which he has previously provided. The user is required to keep the password communicated to him/her secret and to avoid any reasonable possibility that it will be discovered by a third party.

3.3 It is against the law to create several user accounts for the same natural or legal person. The user account is not transferable.


4 – Services provided by BleuDubai and conclusion of the contract

4.1 After the user enters their preferences on the BleuDubai platform (e.g. the user's destination, the nature of the tour, the time the tour starts, the number of participants and the price preference), BleuDubai presents information about service providers to the user. On the basis of these data and possibly after checking the availability, the user can submit a contract proposal via a reservation, which will be transmitted to the appropriate service provider, it being understood that the sub-intermediaries will act on behalf of the user who benefited from the intermediation. To do this, select the item and add it to your basket by clicking on the "confirm and reserve" button.

4.2 The user's offer is valid for 5 days (see point 5 of part III of the general terms and conditions for providers of tourist activities).

4.3 The company BleuDubai informs users of the conditions of transport and sale of service providers related to their contractual relationship with users and their services. These conditions can be found in the relevant invitation to tender. It is the user's responsibility to complete and adhere to these terms and conditions. If users do not comply with these standards, the service provider reserves the right to refuse them access to the activity or to exclude them. In this case, the agreed price will not be refunded.

4.4 The company BleuDubai provides the user with a booking confirmation in the name and on behalf of the service provider, as well as a payment confirmation. The use of the BleuDubai platform is, in principle, free. The user is responsible for all costs related to technical access to the BleuDubai platform (eg internet access). BleuDubai is authorized to collect the amount fixed by an invoice issued in the name and on behalf of the supplier.

4.5 After having received them from the service provider, the company BleuDubai sends the user any data related to the use of a service from the service provider in accordance with the conditions in force (such as ticket data).

4.6 The BleuDubai company does not guarantee the accuracy of the data transmitted nor the quality of the services provided by the service providers, given that all the information communicated and transmitted comes from the data of the service providers or third-party service providers, that the BleuDubai company is not unable to verify in detail.


5 – Payments

5.1 The payment of the user for the services of the provider is determined by the execution of the service contract signed with the provider.

5.2 BleuDubai is authorized to collect the amounts fixed by an invoice in the name and on behalf of the supplier, provided that the invoice does not contain derogatory provisions. When a user has to pay a charge in a currency other than his own (foreign currency charge), the BleuDubai company may ask the user to pay in his local currency and convert the charge into foreign currency at the prevailing exchange rate at the time of conclusion of the contract. In this case, the company BleuDubai may charge the user a reasonable exchange commission.

5.3 The contact persons of the user, with regard to the service contract and the payment, are a contractual partner of the service provider in question. The user can only request reimbursement of a payment from the service provider concerned. The BleuDubai company can also take care of the reimbursement resulting from the service provider. It is recommended to establish communication through BleuDubai in order to facilitate the process for the user.

5.4 To use the cryptocurrency payment option, the user must first log in. The user must enter accurate payment information and, in the event of any changes, must make them immediately. The BleuDubai company has the right to refuse the payment method chosen by the user. During the reservation process, the user will be presented with the payment methods available for the specific service.

5.5 When a user agrees to pay, they consent to the use of their payment information by the credit card issuer in order to collect payment. The BleuDubai company reserves the right to subject the use of the payment function of the company to the credit check required by the user.


6 – The constitution of prices

6.1 All prices displayed on BleuDubai are per person and include general sales tax and all other taxes. Municipal taxes may be collected on site.

6.2 The prices set by the service providers may be subject to special conditions, such as the cancellation and refund of payments made previously. Please check, before making a reservation, that the relevant service contract is subject to certain conditions.


7 – The best price guarantee

7.1 The BleuDubai company wants users to be able to get the service they need at the lowest possible cost. If users find an offer booked through the BleuDubai company at a lower price on the Internet, the company will refund the difference between the price of the reservation made by BleuDubai and the lowest available price found by the user on the Internet. unidirectionally and voluntarily.

7.2 All special offers and promotions are classed as such.


8 – Obligations and responsibilities of users

8.1 The user is responsible for the confidentiality of his registration data (username and password) and does not allow anyone to access his account on the BleuDubai website using his registration data. The use of the user's space on the BleuDubai portal will be attributed to this person.

8.2 After receiving information on the services, the user can send any reservations to BleuDubai to be redirected to the service provider.

8.3 The user releases BleuDubai from any claims by third parties following the use of the BleuDubai platform, unless these third parties are represented by BleuDubai.


9 – Availability and warranty

9.1 There are no requirements regarding availability, quality criteria or features, or technical support for the BleuDubai platform. The company is free to restructure, reduce or adjust the platform at any time. Existing agreements between the user and the provider, as well as their arrangements, remain unaffected by such changes.

9.2 The company BleuDubai makes no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the data provided by third parties (for example, other service providers).

9.3 The company assumes no responsibility for the services provided by the service providers. The respectable provider serves as the user's point of contact for questions and complaints relating to the provision contract and its execution.

9.4 In the absence of any obligation between the company BleuDubai and the user, the company BleuDubai gives no guarantee.


10 – The responsibility of the company

10.1 In the event that the company BleuDubai has not expressly agreed on a contractual obligation with the user, it will not be responsible for the reservation requests made by the user in order to conclude contracts with the service provider who has benefited from intermediation.

10.2 Without an explicit agreement or guarantee to this effect, the company BleuDubai assumes no responsibility for the services that have benefited from the intermediation. In addition, the company BleuDubai declines all responsibility for breach of contract, as well as for bodily injury and material damage caused to the user as a result of intermediation.

10.3 The preceding provisions have no impact on the possible liability of BleuDubai for breach of contractual intermediation obligations.

10.4 BleuDubai's liability for the contractual obligations of the user is limited to three times the price of the tourist activities having benefited from the intermediation, except in the following cases:

  • Any breach of an essential obligation, the execution of which allows, above all, the execution of the intermediation contract or jeopardizes the object of the contract.
  • Liability for injury to life, bodily integrity or health caused by the user is based on a breach of contract by the company BleuDubai, or on a deliberate breach of contract by a legal representative or assistant of running the company.
  • The BleuDubai company is liable for any other damage caused by the user as a result of a breach of the company's obligations due to negligence, or an intentional breach of the company's obligations, or the negligence of a legal representative or an executive assistant of the company.

10.5 For simple negligence, BleuDubai only accepts liability for the violation of an essential requirement of the contract and only for typical and foreseeable damages. The expression “essential requirement of the contract” refers to the contractual obligations, the respect of which ensures in the first place the conformity of the contract and the user's confidence in it.

10.6 Limitations of liability do not apply in the context of a transfer of warranty, in particular for life, personal injury and health, as well as the provisions guaranteed by the German product liability law.


11 – Termination

Users can cancel their registration on the BleuDubai website at any time by blocking their account. Within a week, the company BleuDubai has the unilateral ability to terminate a listing. Preconceived ideas that have formed before are not affected. The right to exceptional one-way resilience is not affected.


12 – Function in relation to evaluation

12.1 Users of the BleuDubai platform have the ability to act on the content displayed on the platform. Users indeed have the possibility to rewrite travel stories in the form of ratings or image adjustments (“user-generated content”). Users are responsible for user-generated content that they have adapted in its entirety and for which they are responsible. You guarantee the accuracy of the contents and warrant that they do not contain false or inadmissible statements or data. Users guarantee that their content does not infringe the rights of others. The BleuDubai Company is in no way affiliated with User Generated Content, but rather provides a platform for them to use.

12.2 The BleuDubai company has the possibility of using the content of users in various ways. It is for this purpose that advertisements are placed on the website, restructured, and rewritten in a clearer and grammatically correct manner, as well as the integration of advertisements or other providers.

12.3 BleuDubai reserves the right to remove or adapt User Content as necessary and at its sole discretion. When a User's Content violates the Company's Principles, the Company may, for example, remove that Content. BleuDubai is not responsible for storing or making available copies of User Generated Content. The confidentiality of user content is not guaranteed by the company.

12.4 Users release BleuDubai Company from all third party claims in full (including reasonable costs associated with exercising and defending legal claim) and upon request, by evaluating User Content adjusted against society. This is true even if the legal content displayed on the BleuDubai platform is no longer available. This does not apply where a business is responsible for a legal breach. In the event of a claim by a third party, users must immediately provide, fully and completely, all the information necessary for BleuDubai to assess and defend the claim.


13 – Data protection

13.1 The BleuDubai company collects and uses the personal data of users when it is necessary for the BleuDubai company to justify, compose or modify the contractual relationship between the user and the company.

13.2 As soon as the company BleuDubai intervenes in the communication for a service contract between the user and the service provider concerned, it transmits to the service provider concerned the data necessary for the contract. The data is processed and used by the service provider only for the elaboration of the contract, the conclusion of the contract and the execution of the contract. The identity of the service provider concerned is revealed during the reservation conversation.


14 – Modification of these general conditions

14.1 BleuDubai reserves the right to modify these general conditions at any time and for any reason. The BleuDubai company will make these changes to its customers, which the user is obliged to accept taking into account the interests of both parties in a reasonable manner. This includes, for example, cases of violation of equivalence, as well as regulatory gaps and changes in the legal situation. Modified terms will be emailed to users at least two weeks before they come into effect. If the user does not question the validity of the general conditions within two weeks of receipt of the email, the conditions which have been the subject of modifications are considered admissible and therefore applicable. The company will inform users, in particular, of the importance of this two-week period by means of an e-mail including the circumstances which have been changed.

14.2 The Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time without notice to allow future uses to be reported to the Intermediary. The new conditions in force are applied individually to each intermediation.


3 – General conditions of the tourist activity provider

1 – Introduction

The third section of these terms and conditions applies to all contracts entered into between the provider and users through the BleuDubai platform. This is also true whether access to the BleuDubai platform was obtained through a partner's platform or through a sub-platform.  


2 – True data

Information shared via the BleuDubai platform must be verified. If the user provides incorrect data, the provider reserves the right to withdraw from the contract or to exclude the user from participation in a service and to claim damages in the amount of the cancellation costs, as indicated in point 11 of part II of the general conditions.


3 – Presentation at the meeting point and acceptance of the conditions

It is your responsibility to be on time at the agreed meeting place. If you are arriving at an international activity, you are solely responsible for bringing all necessary travel documents (passport, etc.) and adhering to all health and safety rules.


4 – Additional Participation or Passing Requirements

If the provider agrees with you to add additional conditions of participation or routing to the general conditions of the contract described in this Section III, you are solely responsible for complying with such additional criteria of participation or routing. If a participant does not meet these criteria, the service provider reserves the right to dismiss him from the activity.


5 – Mandatory force of the request

The contract between you or, more precisely, the user who has benefited from the intermediary and the service provider is completed by the obligatory acceptance of your request by the service provider. By booking a tour or other activity, you make a binding offer to the provider, under which you or the user who has benefited from your intermediation services will be bound for 5 days. If the provider accepts your offer within this period, a legally binding contract is formed. This notification will be sent to you or to the user who benefited from the intermediation by email.


6 – Payment 

The agreed aggregate price for a service that has been facilitated by the BleuDubai company arrives in time for the completion of the contract, i.e. payment.


7 – Decisions on the right of withdrawal

The service provider informs that the right of withdrawal is not provided for by the legal provisions for contracts for the provision of tourist services concluded remotely (i.e. via the BleuDubai platform).


8 – Self-insurance is the responsibility of the owner/operator.

No warranty is included in the price of the services. It is your sole responsibility to provide sufficient insurance coverage. The obligation to present insurance varies according to the activities reserved.


9 – Exchange of messages

All messages between you and the user who has benefited from your services and the service provider are sent by the BleuDubai platform. It is recommended to use only standardized forms provided by the company for quick processing.


10 – Cancellation Guidelines

10.1 When you downgrade (cancel) an activity, the downgrade (cancellation) conditions that are listed in the product description apply. The BleuDubai company advises users to carefully read the information contained in the product description.

10.2 If your provider's product description does not include exclusion restrictions related to cancellation, the cancellation charges for a tourism activity provider are as follows:

  1. up to 48 hours before the start of the activity, the refund is full
  2. after 24 hours before the start of the activity or in case of no-show at the activity, there will be no refund.

10.3 You or the user who has benefited from your services must always demonstrate to the service provider that no damage has been caused, or that only minor damage has been caused in relation to the fixed price required by the service provider.

10.4 The service provider reserves the right to request greater compensation instead of the previous flat rate if it can demonstrate that it incurred costs substantially higher than the flat rate in question. In this case, the service provider undertakes to calculate in detail the compensation requested, taking into account the costs saved and a different application of the services, and to provide proof thereof.

10.5 Reimbursement is made using the same payment method used previously. The amount will be credited at the end of the current accounting period for credit cards that generate monthly fees. The timing of the refund is determined by the user's credit card agreement. Reimbursement is made by bank transfer within seven days of receipt of funds.


11 – Extraordinary cancellation

When weather conditions, administrative decisions, strikes or other unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances (such as force majeure) prevent or considerably complicate or compromise the performance of the activity, the service provider may, without taking into account the delay linked to announcement, decommission the planned activity. In this case, the payment will be refunded.


12 – Exclusion from participation

Where your person does not meet the conditions for participation, or where your participation endangers you or others, or otherwise disrupts the activity, the provider has the power to refuse you access to the activity or to exclude yourself from it. This applies proportionally to users who have benefited from the intermediation of your services. Payment of the price will not be refunded in this case.


13 – Programming changes

In addition, the provider reserves the right to make revisions to the accessories of the program if this decision is made due to unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances.


14 – Responsibility of the tourist guide or tourist activity provider

In accordance with current law, the provider assumes responsibility for its services. Only where current law permits does the provider assume liability.


15 – Modification of these general conditions

The terms and conditions of a tour operator or other tourism activity provider may be changed at any time and without notice for subsequent bookings. The general conditions in force are applicable to each individual reservation. For subsequent reservations, the user cannot rely on the conditions that were previously in force.


4 – Cancellation conditions

1 – Cancellation 

If you cancel more than 48 hours before the start date of the activity, you will be fully refunded, except for activities for which the message "Non-refundable activity" appears before you click on the Pay or Add to cart button.

There will be no refund if you cancel less than 24 hours before the activity.

In case of no-show or if the activity is not completed, the total amount will be calculated. No refund is possible after the event.


2 – Reprogramming

In the absence of a rescheduling request, all our activities are “non-exchangeable”, the request will therefore be refused and no refund will be made.